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A member registered May 17, 2020

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I'll quit the drywall finishing job, join a Booper Bowling team and tour the World. Life is good.

Can you hear that? Pantsmime hooligans are singing.

'..Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart

And you'll never walk alone,
You'll never, ever walk alone'

I heard somewhere every human being is a parallel universe inside a movie studio. This is why high resolution back projection matters. If back projection is bad, we feel sad both inside and outside.

Maybe brain is built like old DVD, with fixed commentary tracks. This is why DVD++ is so great. I heard George Lucas is fiddling with it day in, day out. Quentin Tarantino will try to go back to his old video store job, but those jobs are being demolished by Imagination Rabbit. 'Boohoo, it's not real VHS anymore. Boohoo, it's not real DVD anymore. Where is my Teddy Chiba Bear? I feel so sad, Teddy Chiba..'

Remember to call the agent 'Tim Burton's Agent' in his presence. I mean, 'Tim Burton's Presence'. Sorry Tim!

(1 edit)

Waiddaminit! Isn't this what the Second Brain movement is foaming about. This is why one should cool cores down there in addition to up here. Sort of big/little core situation going on. Buncha performance cores and many little efficiency cores. Maybe the Zetas install GAN down there, or management engines and secure enclaves.. Back doors are wide open now, yessirree..

GPU and GRU are both filled with triangles. CIA is filled with pentagons.

I heard Tim Burton plans buying the NFT and calling it 'Tim Burton's M Doll NFT'

Did you know CIA demogroup got big on the Amiga demoscene because they created the CIA chip? Control the platform, control the scene. Drunken Funlander lamers got wrecked maaaan. 

Charles is always making frustrated video comments about false information, but take a look at his hands, always under the table. I bet he is pumping our bags full right there, and touching his prototype wooden blocks every now and then.

I drink only ORGANIC, carefully harvested Japanese pine needle tea served in Lonely Bar at Tokyo Golden Gai, looking at the full moon reflected from skyscraper windows. This is a secret recipe protected by ancient patents.


I tried Alien plasma once on my Raspberry PI, but I got abducted. Greetings from Andromeda galaxy!

I don't like VIOLENT PANTONE either. Only give a child an edible white Crayon and a black Crayon.

Are you saying Deepak CHOPRA is misusing public research funding by recommending turning the ego upside down to confuse compromised gyros? Interesting point.

It is true that spreadsheets have sharp corners, but latest Mac and Win has fixed this in latest Human Design guideline recommendations. While waiting for developers to catch up, wear medieval armor and use genuine Japanese pine abacus.

I heard this was made in overclocked Raspberry Pi 4 connected to hacked Wolfram Alpha servers. Back to spending 6000 hours playing Japanese bullet hell emulations.

I heard Charles Hoskinson said your statement is not formally verifiable through rigorous science of functional programming, but he bought BILLION HUNDRED M DOLL COIN anyway.

Wot? I heard Tiktok made this to get CIA to join China to take over people.